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Croatian Camping Union

Kamping udruženje Hrvatske
Pionirska 1
P.O.B. 143
HR-52440 Poreč
tel. +385 (0)52 451 324
Contact e-mail

Adriano Palman, D.Econ., MBA
C.E.O./Chief Executive

Oliver Lulić, mag.philol.
Senior project manager

Denis Babić, mag.oec.
Project manager

Monika Poldrugovac, mag.oec.
Associate Expert

If you have any further question regarding facilities and services within the campsite, please contact the campsite you are interested in directly. The campsite contact information can be found on campsite page which you can reach using our campsite search facility.

A number of campsites can be booked through our online booking system, free of commission charges.

Alternatively, please use the form below if you have any questions or require information related to the Croatian Camping Union or our website



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